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Oversubscribed: Don't Let Investors Scare You

Laurel Mintz, GP


This October, we want to make sure that you're not letting your investors scare you. If you are a founder, you've probably heard that it's really a funders market, not a founders market right now, which means that you might be a little bit on edge or on your heels when you're talking to funders or investors. That's because valuations are normalizing fundraising environment is still very challenging, but don't let founders or funders rather scare you. They're there to find you as much as you are to find them. So make sure that you're looking at this investor investment relationship just like that. A relationship. It has to be a good give and take.


I've said this before. There's a lot of dumb money out there making sure that you're building out the right partnerships is so important. And one of our portcos texts me all the time when they need support and some feedback when they're out there fundraising for their next round.


So for me and for you, if you're on the founder side, make sure that you are super transparent with your funders, your investors and sharing with them, what it is that you need and what are your expectations for the relationship that will help you build a smart founder funder relationship from the beginning. And if they're doing a good job and if they're really a true partner, they'll be there to make introductions, to support you and to make sure that they're spreading your message out to their audience. Because when you think about it, if you have an investor that really believes in you as a founder and believes in what you're doing, they should be out there screaming your name from the rooftops helping you get your next round of funding because it's just going to be better for everyone.


So don't let investors scare you this October, make sure you're building the right relationships from the beginning.
