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Oversubscribed: A Thanks To The Fabric Network

Laurel Mintz, GP

It is November. It is the month of giving thanks. And so that's really all I'm here to say to you all. This has been and continues to be one of the great joys of my life. I am so grateful to each and every one of you, whether you are a founder or a funder for being on this journey with me.

It's been so incredible to be empowered and to be empowering as a voice in this new era where we're trying to create more equity and more parody in the space as you well know, I call very pale male and stale. Thank you so much from the absolute bottom of my heart. I could not do this without each and every one of you. My team are amazing funders and our founders that we get to support each and every day, truly so grateful for you.

So thank you for weaving the fabric of the future with us.