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Fabric Fold: How Founders Overcome Rejection

Laurel Mintz, GP

This conversation is a really hard one for most people to take, but it is about rejection or the "nos" and how to get over it. I will tell you that I have heard far more "nos" than yes in my lifetime, especially now that I've launched something brand new and it doesn't make it any easier, but here's a couple of tips to hopefully make it sting just a little bit less:

  1. For every rejection you receive, just know that you are one step closer to securing your funding.
  2. Make sure to shift your mindset. This isn't personal. Whether someone is a good fit for you or not often has time has to do with their investment thesis and you just might not fit into that, so make sure you're detaching your emotions from the nos and then use these as learning opportunities. 
  3. Always ask for very honest and transparent feedback so that you can better your pitch and make sure that you're targeting your investors better.
  4. Remember that a no is just a maybe later.